
Monday, June 25, 2012

I Have 16 Dreams

Recently, dreams have occupied and slowly staged mini coups in my brain, in tolerable frequencies.

Nope, these are not the ones that occur during sleep more like nightmares turned inside out.

Not the ones that leave us with glassy eyes, much like fairy tale princesses waiting in vain.

I am not also referring to the ones synonymous with slave driving goals, thinly disguised as dreams reachable -  the types that require life and limb to attain. Say, getting a degree in law or finishing one's comprehensive papers or whatnot without losing one's sanity.

I'm talking of top of mind dreams - ones that don't have eternal value, really - but  would not hurt to have either.

These are 16 things that, when given 5 seconds , I can instantly enumerate without even thinking.
  1.  A house with a clean, comfy kitchen - pantry and utensils lined up for good cooking and conversation. There are mixed books on one side neatly tucked. Trash is segregated, and pots and pans shelved.
  2. Separate work areas for digital recording and art works.
  3. Travel minus the guilt of knowing I'd have to get back to a totally different work environment.
  4. A good afternoon nap that exceeds 5  minutes.
  5. A Macbook Pro.
  6. Getting good at programming.
  7. Excellent driving skills.
  8. Sting calling me to fly over and add guitar tracks to his current work.
  9. Chocolate bars that don't fatten and lead to diabetes.
  10. The ability to talk to inanimate objects.
  11. Be Tony Stark for one day. Or, wait is it really Stark or is it Robert Downey, Jr.? I am stumped. 
  12. To draft policies and laws for the city for a day - and have the power to implement it strictly, obliterating violators to particles.
  13. Meet Steve Howe of Yes and ask him any question that would make an impression.
  14. The uncanny ability to file my office documents faster than a speeding bullet.  
  15. Great pearly white teeth.
  16. Good posture.

Dream on, baby. Here's YES from the Talk Tour, (yes, that's YESWEST-Rabin-Yes, for those who insist) with ENDLESS DREAM. 

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the clip above, and do not earn money with the video. The clip belongs to the rightful owners, and is shared for enjoyment purposes only.

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