I love Aretha Franklin.
The anthem that fueled countless struggles and acid tests many divas and wannabes is an in your face scream for R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Is it a two way street? Does one have to give to receive the same?
It seems everyone is hung up on the pursuit of such; we can, at our extremely debased and illogical moments resort to shameless self promotion and unnecessary flaunting of ego.
This may rub, but when one can not – does not – will not – learn to respect one’s self, there is no reason to expect the same from others. Respect is a sibling of the knowledge of one’s real identity – and makes us love ourselves first as creations of a sovereign, omnipotent God – no mistakes, no accidents. When we fail to see such, we seek affirmation for everything we do, and act as if the whole damn universe is in a task of auditing us like some mere ledger lines and numbers.
“What will THEY say of my hair?”
“Will THEY obey me?”
Humanity will always be fickle. Like now, dislike tomorrow.
Moses feared such. Multiply that a dozen times, as Joshua – a first hand witness of Israel’s stubbornness – was tasked to take over. Its no wonder that Joshua was reminded and commanded more than once to ‘be strong, and to take courage’. He had to remember by whose power and authority he stood on.
Talk is cheap. Vain introductions, extended titles, additional initials after a name and bloated resumes never really mean respectable. Yes, they are good, but never tantamount to our identities. Honored guests do not seem that honorable now. The moment they approach the podium and go through the usual conundrums thinly disguised as speeches and addresses, brains fly out the halls. The first words that proceed from the mouth usually betray the person behind, revealing either pure rich substance or sheer superficiality. Sincerity - honesty’s other face, reveals how real the person behind the words is and is directly proportional to respect due.
Pity those who equate visibility with respect – bear in mind that high visibility places the subject in utmost scrutiny and vulnerability. Should one hog for the spotlight – make sure that the goods fill large pocket to the brim and ready for delivery when needed. Otherwise, spotlight + ignorance + empty pockets + pants down = ONE sick joke. It's the price to pay.
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