
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Why Sir Yoyoy Rocks and Bops Harder than any Metal Jazz Wannabe

Everytime I listen to the late Yoyoy Villame's Magellan  and Philippine Geography, I always manage a good laugh with honest appreciation and awe.

Well thought of, solid writing and melody (Yes, he may have adapted some lines form popular songs of yore, George Harrison did the same anyway)are undeniable in these gems. Who would have thought of writing something that dares cover the Philippine Archipelago in one pop format? This is pre-Pinoy Henyo era (for the uninitiated, this category is a must  for aspirants of the rounds), where kids simply run through the whole Philippine regions in the name of trivia. Yoyoy ingeniously rhymes the nation in one Bahay Kubo fashion. Yi Yi Yi indeed.

Magellan paints the encounter of Señor Ferdinand with the rather unwelcome courtesy of Lapu Lapu and the gang. "Bolos and spears versus guns and cannons"  rides in an arrowhead and claims the battle. What is interesting is how Yoyoy (somebody correct me if he had an arranger) segues the battlefield to retreat in the innocent world of nursery rhymes: Doctor shall I die, tell my mama do not cry. Really clever.

This also leaves us asking the doctor, will good Filipino music die too? Need novelty be always about sexual innuendos to reign the videoke joints? Do bands have to always have to write about hangovers, decadence and getting wasted to qualify as the anthem of the youth? Do we have to sing in the highest of keys to effectively communicate?  Is cramming all the Berklee approved licks in a three minute pop ditty the new standard? 

If so,  please tell my mama do not cry.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the clip above, and do not earn money with the video. The clip belongs to the rightful owners, and is shared for enjoyment purposes only. All rights are owned by the publishers of the music. Video clip courtesy of Youtube. 

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